Friday, February 8, 2013

A Spell A Day . . .

Sorry, this is just silly.  If you're a teacher, I don't know, maybe you might do stuff like that daily but realistically, most witches don't perform magic on a daily basis.  I have a weekly "utility" rite I do to [erases kitty type] kind of keep the air clear and keep me focused and grounded.  Otherwise magic is done as it's needed because a lot goes into spellwork, at least with me.  I have to 1) write the words 2) gather needed material 3) gather strength and most importantly 4) clarify the vision.  What I mean by that is something you want is much easier obtained when you can see it, or see yourself with it, or see yourself doing it.  This is where one form of meditation comes in.  About 10 days before I plan the rite, I will at the same time every day sit in a meditative state and concentrate on the object, task, outcome I'm looking for.  I see me after the successful completion of the spell and once I can see it vividly enough to touch it, it's time for rite.

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