Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Little About Magic.

First, it's M-A-G-I-C.  You don't need a 'k' because that's just dumb.  The magical arts are very special indeed, but it's not as easy as turning someone into a frog or levitating or changing your eye or hair color with your words.  It's more of a way, in my view, this is all my view, of clearing a pathway to your needs or wants.  Some rules of thumb I try to follow are:

Don't be greedy, only go after what you truly need.

Do everything you can not to hurt anyone (although I've been sorely tempted MANY times).

Be as simplistic as possible, not every ritual needs lofty expensive items.  Handmade is best, keep it simple.

It's MY will not THEIR will.  I will not try to manipulate the will of another.

Successful spellwork to me, combines first a desire, second a vision, and third a little elbow grease.  Spells to accomplish something mundane that it wouldn't take a lot of work to do in a mundane way should be avoided.  Spellwork to me is done for job creation, conjuring the ability to obtain something a little out of my reach, changing bad atmospheres to more positive places.  Unfortunately no spell in the world could even out the bad vibes where I am right now, but I'm working on some things.

So that's where my magical head is tonight, more on the morrow.

Blessed be.

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