Monday, June 26, 2017

Abuse of Magick

Magick can be used in some way in most every day lives, but can magick be abused?  Oh surely.  Good intentions are fine, but when you want to heal someone make sure they are on board, even if the deed is good let the other person in on it.  You could end up doing harm, instead.  As far as doing something like a healing on yourself, that's fine, but some things should be healed on their own.  I firmly believe hurts like heartache, healing from physical abuse, etc., are better healed by moving through the process.  Using magick to heal your heart could prove harmful, could turn you callous and cold.  Healing takes time but if you take the time and go through the process you learn so much more about yourself and your ability to stand on your own than you'd ever do by using a shortcut like magick to bandaid our heart.  And there is always the prospect of failure, which could make things worse.  It's just better to go through the process and move on.  It is life's learning process and it's the best thing you can do for you.

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