Thursday, April 11, 2013

About Books and Moons . . .

I have a number of books from a number of authors.  Laurie Cabot, Silver Ravenwolf, Gerwina Dunwich, Raven Grimmassi, the spelling of some of these names my be incorrect but I'm being lazy today.  I think the most useful ones I have are Green Witchcraft by Aoumiel, several books by Scott Cunningham, and this neat 5000 Spells or something like that by Judith somebody.  I think you can go out and buy a book that speaks to you in a language your heart understands.  I do suggest rather than just admiring the cover you sit down with it, browse through it randomly and read a page here and a page there, check the index and make sure it covers the subject matter you're looking for.  So many authors have been deemed "hacks, frauds or idiots," but the truth is, magic is will and if Ravenwolf can help you find words that elude you to help you harness and use power, there is nothing wrong with her books.  I own To Ride A Silver Broomstick or To Stir A Silver Cauldron, one of those, and I liked it very much.  Gerina, I own one of her candle spell books, I use them as framework for my own spells.

Spells do need to be done best during specific moon phases.  Full moon this month is the 25th, I'm sick of being unemployed and bored so I will be in rite that night to see if I can move some more positive workforce energy my way.  One can find wonderful rites in the Green Witchcraft book, I also use these as framework for my own.  So don't listen to what others tell you about an author if that author's work speaks to you.  Follow your heart, always follow your heart.

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