Saturday, January 27, 2018

For Beginners . . .

This is a list of helpful links if you're just starting out, a comprehensive reading list, and links to two VERY helpful free libraries from which you can download complete books for free:

New to Paganism:

Magick and Spellcasting Basics:

To learn of different paths/traditions:

Reading List:

River and Joyce Higginbotham:  Paganism:  An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions

 Lisa Chamberlain:  Wicca Wheel of the Year Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to the Sabbats, with History, Symbolism, Celebration Ideas, and Dedicated Sabbat Spells

Thea Sabin:  Wicca for Beginners

Scott Cunningham:  Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca

Raymond Buckland:  Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft

Raven Grimassi:  Wiccan Magick 

Marian Green:  A Witch Alone

Janet and Stewart Farrar -- A Witches' Bible Complete

Illes, Judika - The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft

To help develop psy ability:

Books to download:

If you feel you are experiencing psychic phenomena and you want to learn more about it, what it is, how to develop it, how to control it, get your hands on these books:

Develop Your ESP (ebook)
Google Play

How to Develop Your ESP; Paperback; Author - Susy Smith
Barnes & Noble

Understand and Develop Your ESP : Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings by Mark A. Thurston - Used (Good) - 0876040970

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