Saturday, September 5, 2015

Look Up, Look Down . . .

We're taught as children to walk with our heads held high, our chins up and shoulders back.  As witches, well, that's good, but occasionally we need to look up.  The day sky holds a deep blue mirror that a sky scry could use to his/her advantage.  Clouds that form shapes sending messages to us from deity.  The night sky holds the phases of the moon and all those glorious stars.  My favorite thing in all the world is to lie underneath that velvet, star studded blanket and watch the twinkles, and the occasional flash of a falling star.  Looking down also has its merits.  The other day I was walking down our road in search of the owners of the cutest little dog that had shown up at our house.  On the way I happened to glance down and found the most BEAUTIFUL stone, a crystal white quartz!  

I also found a fascinating piece of flint that I think I'll use in a craft project, a fairie garden.  Stones are important and when one catches your eye it was meant for you to see it and retrieve it.  So look up into that vast blue day sky and see what messages come to you.  Be at peace gazing into the dark star studded night sky and behold all the wonders there and mostly, look down every once in a while and behold special gifts just for you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Pendulums . . .

Divination is a tool of witches.  Whether you use Tarot, Oracles, Rune or pendulums (or other form of divination, there are quite a few), accuracy is, of course, essential.  I started collecting pendulums and have amassed this collection:

Amethyst, Bloodstone, Aventurine, Carnelian, Moonstone, Red Jasper, Sunstone, Opalite, Rose Quartz, and Tiger's Eye.

MOST of them give me accurate yes/no answers, but, of late, they've lied.  So I am going to have a talk with them, and recharge them under the September full moon.  Do you know how to charge a tool?  I'll tell you.

Get a mirror, any type round or square, large enough to hold everything you want charged.  Consecrate the mirror, and reconsecrate your tools.  (Sprinkle them with salt water, or pass them through Sandalwood incense smoke, reciting a cleansing chant of your making.)

Place the items on the mirror and place outdoors where the full moon will be able to fully shine on them and the mirror.  That way they get a FULL all around charge.  Keep them there until NOON of the next day, bring them in and wrap/bag them as you normally would.

Happy divining!